

My playlist, part two

So, here is the sequel of my playlist. You can read the first part, right here! I am just gonna start with the next songs on my playlist.

All I Need by Within Temptation is a beautiful song which I heard- again- in an episode of the Vampire Diaries. It was placed in this beautiful scene with Elena and Damon at the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. This scene was so pretty and cute, I mean.. Damon and Elena are just cute together. I like this song pretty much.

The second song of this part is Belong here by 78Violet a.k.a Aly & AJ. I heard this song on Hellcats- another tv-serie that i like. Actually Belong here is the intro of Hellcats. This song gives my energy and it makes me wanna dance. I really recommend this song if you are looking for a cheerful song.

Next up is Rockstar by Fefe Dobson. I heard this song on Hellcats and I immediately thought that this song was awesome. The scene where they played this song was also really cool- I really wished that I could do those stunts too. There is this second song from Fefe Dobson which I also heard on Hellcats and that song is called Stuttering. Stuttering is a total different song to Rockstar, because this one is quite sensitive. 

Impossible by Shontelle is the fifth song of this part. A teammate of me made me listen this song and I immediately liked it. There is not that much that I can say about this song, I just like it and it is on my playlist.

Single Girls by Laura Jansen is a pretty song sung by this half Dutch girl. Go Holland! It is a really sweet and sensitive song. Just a song for me. 

Move your body by Beyoncé Knowles is an energetic song from this amazing artist. This song also has a beautiful notion. Beyoncé and Michelle Obama want the American children to work out and with this song, those childeren have to. It is so energetic en happy.

Crushcrushcrush by Paramore is this punky song from this awesome band. I like Hayley Williams, she is cool. Paramore has a threesome of songs I like. One of them is crushcrushcrush. I just like it, I do not have a reason for it. The second is Decode- I did not heard this song at Twilight. I heard Decode in an amazing cover from a youtube'er which I thought was called lindsey or something.The third song that I like from Paramore is Misery Business. This actually was the first song I have ever heard from them. It is a cool and rocky song.

I am almost trough, guys. Iris by the Goo goo dolls is one of the last songs on my playlist, but that does not mean that I do not like it. I actually think that this song is really pretty and romantic. Again the Vampire Diaries brought me here. They did not play this song in one of the episodes, but I searched for music video from the Vampire Diaries- you know, fans make those video's and I was curious to see when. I also heard it in one of the qualifying rounds from the dutch X-Factor.

The last songs on my playlist are some songs by Avril Lavigne. This lady is having such good songs. On my playlist I have What the Hell, Not Enough, My Happy Ending, Innocence and When you're gone. She is having those really rocky song, but Innocence is a beautiful soft song.

So, as you can see I listen to all kinds of music. I like Rocky songs, but I also lovesongs. This was it for now. When I have updated my playlist I will place a new one.

Bye and Hopefully I will see you later!

1 opmerking:

  1. Iris is echt een van mijn meest favoriete nummers allertijden, het is echt een klassieker geworden.

    Doe je trouwens al mee aan de winactie?
    Je kan namelijk fimo canes winnen op mijn blog.
